Thursday 26 January 2017

LIBE 467 – Theme One Evaluation: The Foundation of Reference Services

Teacher-Librarians + Reference Services = Best Search Engine

The need to know and understand are important parts of human society.  The teacher-librarians play key roles in this process by providing reference services (among many other things).  Reference services help students identify and locate information that they require to answer their questions in a meaningful manner. The nature of reference services has continued to evolve in the 21st century since there is a growing vast amount of electronic references in addition to traditional printed media.  In the current era, the reference skills and services of a teacher-librarian in essence serve as a "more effective and analytic" Google by providing a human touch as indicated by the drawings below by illustrator, Sarah McIntyre:

The teacher-librarians, unlike web-based search engines, can interact and provide guidance to students, colleagues, and parents toward suitable references.  In addition, teacher-librarians play decisive roles in the selection of quality references in school libraries.  Teacher-librarians must have a critical eye and effective decision making in order to fulfill curriculum and student needs while facing common challenges such as budgetary constraints.  Most important, teacher-librarians through providing access to a diverse and vast amount of references for students enable the development of competent information seekers, critical/higher thinkers, problem solvers, independent learners, life-long learners, and passionate readers.

In order to evaluate student learning and understanding, The Points of Inquiry, is a good framework that is recommended by the British Columbia Teacher-Librarians Association (BCTLA) for information literacy.  It is a framework that is adopted from American Librarian Association (ALA) 2013-2014 presidentBarbara Stripling'sStripling Model of Inquiry.  The Point of Inquiry provides a road map for students to access prior knowledge; formulate a question or research idea; seek knowledge and clarification; process and connect the information; show and share their discovery/understanding; and reflect/evaluate upon their discovery.

Below is a page photo of one of my son's expressing a discovery that he made about an inquiry about geothermal energy.  He expressed his understanding though a slideshow with music:

Definitely, teacher-librarians are an integral part of the school and library system (public and academic).  They are key partners and collaborators with classroom teachers, parents and administrators in the education of students.  Below is a video on principals and teacher librarians indicating their important role in schools:

Here is a very creative video showing the inquiry of inquiry learning.  The only difference from The Point of Inquiry is that this does not show the "connect" part in The Point of Inquiry.


Asselin, M., Branch, J., & Oberg, D., (Eds). Achieving Information Literacy: Standards for School library programs in Canada.  Ottawa, ON:  Canadian School Library Association & The Association for Teacher-Librarianship in Canada.

Mueller, Aaron, instructor, 2016W-LIBE467-63C-Information Services I course, University of British Columbia. 2017.

Riedling, Ann Marlow et. al,  Reference skills for the school librarian:Tools and Tips, (Third Edition).  Santa Barbara, CA: Linworth, 2013.

Wednesday 25 January 2017

2016 - Many Baseball First

2016 was a great year of baseball for my boys!  There were many exciting first experiences related to baseball.  It started with our first trip to Spring Training in Scottsdale, Arizona to see our favourite baseball team, the San Francisco Giants.  They were pretty happy about getting many autographs from current and ex-players like Brandon Belt, Will Clark, Javier Lopez, Sergio Romo, Cory Gearrin, and Matt Cain as well as watching a few games.
Buster Posey

Brandon Belt autograph.
Will Clark autograph.
We also ran the Giants race in Scottsdale and got 2 medals after the race for the first time!  We loved the additional medal called the "Three Bagger" that had all 3 World Series Pendant on it (2010, 2012, 2014) for running the Giants race in San Francisco and San Jose in 2015.

Another first was my boys playing baseball in Canada.  They have played for many years in California.  While on their Canadian teams, they had their first baseball parade on 41st Avenue.

My older son had his first job as an umpire and his team won first place in their division.

My younger son also pitched for the first time and got his first MVP medal during a tournament game.


Saturday 7 January 2017

Experiencing Books

My children love books!  One of the good things that we do to keep their passion with reading is to have them meet different authors and hear their insights about their writing.  All of the authors that we have met, encourage the children to keep reading and writing.

Just recently, my boys met each others favourite authors.  My older son is quite a fan of Rick Riordan since been introduced to his writing through the Percy Jackson series in Grade 4.  Since then, he has read quite a few more of Riordan's books and learn more about mythology.  During the evening with Rick Riordan, my younger son got a signed copy of Magnus Chase and is now quite a fan!

 My younger son is quite a vivacious reader and we also met his favourite author, James Dashner, of the Maze Runner series.  The books are a bit mature for him but he reads a few years above his grade level and a lot of those books have serious themes.   The evening with James Dashner was more of a question and answer interview.  My boys had an opportunity to meet him up close and got his newest book, The Fever Code, personally signed.  I also learned that he had another series for slightly younger readers call The 13th Reality so that made a great Christmas present this year!  Both my boys have already finish reading the book and would like the rest of the series!